Featured Exhibits
(VERSION FINALE)The Great Okie Migration by Chotard Mathieu and ALLEK Yannis
Our exhibition is made of eight pictures with captions in the style of Dorothea Lange. Most of these images were taken by this woman and are parts of her work as a photographer and reporter for the American government in the 1930's.The main topic of this exhibition is the Great Okie migration during the Dustbowl, between the 1930's and the 19404's. The natural disasters which hit the Great Plains repetitively during this period led to a mass migrations. Oklahoma is the the state located in the Great Plains with the highest number of people who left.
The Great Okie Migration by Chotard Mathieu and Allek Yannis
Our exhibition is made of eight pictures with captions in the style of Dorothea Lange. Most of these images were taken by this woman and are parts of her work as a photographer and reporter for the American government in the 1930's.The main topic of this exhibition is the Great Okie migration during the Dustbowl, between the 1930's and the 19404's. The natural disasters which hit the Great Plains repetitively during this period led to a mass migrations. Oklahoma is the the state located in the Great Plains with the highest number of people who left.
The Great Okie Migration by Hugo Lardeau and Maëva Irié
Hi, the exhibit shows about the Great Okie Migration. In the exhibit there are eight photos to report the exodus of the Okies during the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. In this a series seven photos were taken by Dorothea Lange., the iconic photographer of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl .
The Great Okie Migration by Hugo Lardeau and Maëva Irié
Hi, the exhibit shows about the Great Okie Migration. In the exhibit there are eight photos to report the exodus of the Okies during the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. In this a series seven photos were taken by Dorothea Lange., the iconic photographer of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl .
Great Depression by Hugo Duprat
Hi and welcome in this new exhibit of The Great Depression and the Okies migration, in this exhibit I will tell you a part of their story with some photos.