The Mexican Migration to the United States – a story of tensions. (group 7)

There are six people on the picture. I can see three young boys with a woman (I think they are a family) and two members of the Border Patrol (a woman and a man). I think they are at the exit of the forest because I can see trees behind them. The man with the sun glasses is showing something to the family. The family is looking at the members of the Border Patrol. The three boys and their mom are holding bottles of water in their hands. They appear sad, tired and nervous. The members of the Border Patrol look angry. The family is getting on the members of the Border Patrol's nerves. The family may be lacking money and they may be coming in the U.S. to find a job and earn money. They could be considered as people who take american jobs. They might be excluded by the society.
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There are two people on the picture, a women and a men.
They are in the desert and in the border between Mexico and the U.S because we can see the wall. They are crossing the border illegalemently and the men is helping the woman to reach the border with a rope.
They look be in a rush and concentrate. Once they arrive in America, they could be rejected by the U.S government beacause the U.S government thinks immigrants come to the U.S to take Americans jobs ans menace them.
They might suffer from dehydration beacause the haven't the adequate equipments to survive severe weather conditions in the desert.
They may be fleeing Mexico because they search a job or because they are poor, lacking money and they want to earn money to have a better life.
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There are five men and i think the person with a white sweat is a woman. the people cross the wall,that may be a border. The girl with the white sweat try to jump over the boy is helping the other people. In the background there is a forest because we can see trees. We can see sand so there is a desert. They looking afraid and stressed. They appear tired because that maybe hard to cross the wall. They could be flee their contry because they may want to find a job and have a peaceful life. Ahd they might have family in the contry who they go.
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